Monday, July 04, 2005

The president he's got his war.

Today is the 4th of July and it makes me wonder. What happened to this country. When I was 18 the vietnam war was a hot potatoe and the people of my generation would not stand for the senselessness of it. The hippie is a long gone notion but they served a major purpose in U.S. history. The anti-war commitment that they had would not be minimized. This war now is about as senseless as that one. We are having young men and women die for no explainable reason. Bush has the least finess about him to cover up his war as any president ever has. He counts on blind patriotism and intimidation to keep his agendas going. His critics get very little leverage in the political arena. Many of the tricks and gimmicks that he has used have been unearthed but he continues with his war. The families losing their sons and daughters are victims of a cruel hoax. These people join the military with the hope of advancing their lives but instead become insignificant pawns,live without faces. I would love to see Bush's twins have to go to Iraq then he may see what it is like to have a loved one in harm's way 24/7. Would wars be rather scarce if the upper classes had to give their kids up.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Bargain sites

There are a couple of very useful sites for anyone looking for bargains on most anything. The first and my favorite is This site tracks sales from many companies and people weigh in with their experiences with local stores. Here you can find unadvertised specials galore. You can also find a lot of free after rebate items. They also provide guidance on pricematching that can get you an item at the very lowest possible price. The other two are Dealnews and Techbargains. If you are in the market for anything check these out.